TOTALLY RAD Collection - 80's Movies Inspired - Wax Melts
Use the dropdown box to select which scent you want.
-Delorean Time Machine: Stainless steel, peppermint leaf, dash of sour lemon, and shocking lightening bolts. Inspired by Back To The Future.
-Maverick: San Diego sunkissed citrus, masculine cologne, and a hint of jet fuel. Inspired by Top G*n.
-Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner: a sultry blend of warmed amber noir and intoxicating santal coconut flesh. Inspired by Dirty Dancing.
-Fortune And Glory: earthy olive leaf, dried citron, and sandy dunes. Inspired by Indiana Jones and The Raiders of The Lost Ark.
-They Forgot My F*cking Birthday!: velvet vanilla birthday cake, candied cherries, powdered sugar, and rainbow sprinkles. Inspired by Sixteen Candles.
- Sincerely Yours,: watermelon juice, lavender cream, old school books, and daydreams of Saturday snow-cones. Inspired by The Breakfast Club.
-FALKOR!: sparkling prosecco bubbles, lucky fortune cookies, & dragon's blood. Inspired by The Neverending Story. Originally created by customer Sara J. Schmidt.
-Goonies Never Say Die!: salty ocean water, teakwood treasure chests, & black pepper crumbles. Inspired by The Goonies.